
Mathematical Optimization

Mathematics is an extremely old cross-sectional science and plays a special role in the high-tech field of space flight and exploration. Because even though this language of science (mathematics) is old, it does not age, unlike other disciplines. Mathematics is timeless and, for example, the Pythago...

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Fundamental Physics

New, emerging technologies will be based on quantum mechanics. Examples are quantum sensors, quantum metrology, quantum computing, quantum communication, quantum cryptography, and quantum materials. The basis of quantum metrology are atomic clocks which are nowadays approaching a stability of 10-19....

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Signal and Information Processing

The GOC is founded on long years of expertise in the development of wireless communication systems, especially 4G, 5G and 5G&beyond as well as in the design of signal and information processing concepts and algorithms. Implementations in SW/HW platforms and proof-of-concepts demonstrations verif...

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Forschung: Fernerkundung der PolarregionenExpertise: Mikrowellenfernerkundung, Physik von Meereis und Schnee, Radare und Radiometer Die Meereisfläche in der Arktis im Sommer 2022 und Winter 2023 im Vergleich zum langjährigen Median 1981–2010 (orange Linie). Die Daten wurden aus Messungen des Mikrow...

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